Monday, January 29, 2018

Definitions of parts of speech

nouns – words that name people, places, things, and ideas
ex. man, museum, leash, love
verbs – words that express an action or state of being

ex. jump, hide, seem, is, are
adjectives – describing words; words that modify nouns or pronouns
ex. pretty, brown, lazy, awesome adverbs – words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
ex. softly, always, very, too
prepositions – words that show a relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence
ex. about, at, before, in, under conjunctions – words that join other words or groups of words
ex. and, but, or, so, yet
interjections – words used to express emotion
ex. Wow! Ouch! Hooray! 

Parts of Speech


Main Parts of Speech 

So you wanna know about nouns, you wanna know about verbs 
And you probably know that there are several other types of words
So if you yearn to learn, hey, we’re psyched to teach
Now listen up and let me tell you about the parts of speech.

A noun is a person or a place or a thing
Like you or your school or all your bling-bling 
But the tricky kinds of nouns are ideas and thoughts 
Like your strength or intelligence
Man there are lots of these nouns
To list them all that would be impressive! 
But to describe them, all we need are adjectives
Like hot, cold, false, true, spicy and bland 
And now I think you understand.

Verbs. That’s what we call the action words
Anything you can do , even if it’s absurd
Whenever you eat, drink, move, think, go or stop
Even if you just are, that’s a verb that you’ve got,
“But, Mr. Jackson, how do I describe these words?”
You use another part of speech we call adverbs
Like loudly, proudly, and well, don’t ask me why, but 
Most of them end in -ly.

A preposition gives location, just so you know 
Whether an object is between, in, by, or below 
But it can also talk about time, as a matter of fact,
If something happened before this, or is gonna happen after that 
They always have a prepositional phrase
It’s the traditional way that every preposition operates
So just make sure that the object is there
Or else you’ll never know what goes where 

A conjunction joins phrases or words together 
Like and, but, or as, if, and whether
Some appear in pairs, like neither and nor.
You know I’d love to list them all but there are so many more
So let’s go on to pronouns, they replace nouns
So you can say “it” instead of saying the same noun again 
It can be just a breeze, you see
Instead of names, saying “he” or “she” 

Hold up! Almost, forgot about, the next one
I’m speaking, of course, of the interjection:
Whoa! yo! yikes! holy cow! 
You know the parts of speech, well I think, you do now. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Attention parent teacher meeting

Parents meeting will be postponed till monday, February 5th, 2018 at 3:00 till 5:00. This is because we are still waiting for the results of the Arabic exams. Thank you for your understanding.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

And we are back to school!

This week the students have been given a new way of writing notes which they can either have in their english notebook (preferably A4 format) or in a ring binder. Please make sure that the students are equipped with:

  •  glue 
  •  and that at home they have access to scissors and  coloured pencils.

Please make sure that for homework the colouring and cutting is done at home.
Glueing is only to be done in class to make sure they glue it the proper way

Ill be posting the papers on the blog so that if students loose or make a mistake they can print out the sheets again and start over.

Every week I will be posting the best kept notes and every month will select a winner in each class!

Please click here to get the material and have a look at the very bottom of the post to see this weeks neatest note taking student, Zoya!

Parts of speech:

Nouns: (Red) nouns – words that name people, places, things, and ideas
ex. man, museum, leash, loveVerbs: (Purple) verbs – words that express an action or state of being
ex. jump, hide, seem, is, are
Adjectives: (Brown) adjectives – describing words; words that modify nouns or pronouns
ex. pretty, brown, lazy, awesomeAdverbs: (Pink) adverbs – words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
ex. softly, always, very, too
Definitions to come next week when the students will have the lessons about the last 3 parts of speech.
Prepositions: (Green)
Conjunctions: (Blue)
Interjections: (Yellow)

Revision on the 4 types of sentences:

Declarative Sentences (Purple)
make a statement
punctuated by a period
Ex: We always take spelling tests on Sunday. 
Imperative Sentences (Green)
makes a command or polite request
ends with a period or exclamation mark 
Ex: Write your name at the top of the paper. 

Exclamatory Sentences (Pink or Red)
expresses great emotion or excitement 
ends in an exclamation mark
Ex: I forgot to study last night! 
Interrogative Sentences ( Blue)
asks a question
ends in a question mark
Ex: Will I be rewarded if I pass this exam? 

Homework for Sunday

This week we have been learning about verbs, please find a song about verbs here: