Sunday, December 10, 2017


Grade 5 have had a spelling contest on the vocabulary done this semester, we will continue the spelling and definitions today. The rest of the revision days will be dedicated to covering long a and e, the 4 types of sentences, and prefixes. Please use the quizzes and the worksheets for revision. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017


Please make sure that students come ready for revision week by having revised all quizzes and English copy book material.

Thank you. Enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Sunday quiz will cover the 4 types of sentences, long vowels a and e, and prefixes. Enjoy the long week end!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Homework for the 22nd Nov

This worksheet was given to the students to complete for tomorrow. Please make sure that is has been done! Thank you!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Homework for the 21st November

Students have received worksheets on Prefixes today, they should complete the worksheet below for tomorrow. Thank you!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Homework for 20th November

Students have received a worksheet on long vowels A and E, which we started in class.

They need to continue the worksheet, with the text we worked on called Ultimate Field Trip, which you can find here: 

They also have received the quiz they took today, which they need to have corrected by the latest next Sunday. Please make sure this is done. Thank you!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

SPACE THEME: Door decoration

Hello dear students!

I am posting here some links of drawings to be printed and coloured so that we can decorate our classroom doors this coming week. It would also be nice if every student also prints their picture and fit it into the astronaut shown below!

This can be done and brought to school anytime this week. Thank you for your participation in making our classroom door fun.  Hope your having a great weekend!

Print the images from here: 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Homework for Sunday 19th November

Students have been asked to make 4 sentences with the words from the quiz. Please make sure they make up their own sentences showing they have understood the meaning of the 4 words they choose.
They have also been given an extra vocabulary sheet for extra credit points!

Remember that all these words will be on the quiz on Sunday, make sure to study the vocabulary well!

Thank you and have a great week end! 


Please find the list of vocabulary we have done in class this week, make sure students know the meaning and spelling for the quiz on Sunday!

Basic Words List

1.Feast: (Noun) 
: a special meal with large amounts of food and drink
: a religious festival

2. Stray: (Verb) strays; strayed; straying
: to go in a direction that is away from a group or from the place where you should be

3. Greet: (Verb) greets; greeted; greeting
: to meet (someone who has just arrived) with usually friendly and polite words and actions.

4. Praise: (Verb) praises; praised; praising 
: to say or write good things about (someone or something) : to express approval of (someone or something)
: to express thanks to or love and respect for (God)

5. Display: (Verb) displays; displayed; displaying
: to put (something) where people can see it
: to show that you have (an emotion, quality, skill, etc.)

6. Sheepish: (Adjective) 
: showing or feeling embarrassment especially because you have done something foolish or wrong

7. Sway: (verb) sways; swayed; swaying
 to move slowly back and forth

8. Training: (noun) 
: a process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for an art, profession, or job
: the process by which an athlete prepares for competition by exercising, practicing, etc.

9. Remain: (verb)  remains; remained; remaining
: to be left when the other parts are gone or have been used

10. Release: (verb) releases; released; releasing
: to allow (a person or animal) to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc. :to set (someone or something) free
:to stop holding (someone or something)

11: Awake: (adjective) 
: not asleep

12. Braces: (noun)
: a device that is attached to teeth to make them straight

13. Thief: (noun)
: a person who steals something

14. Ashamed: (adjective)
:feeling shame or guilt

15. Sleeve: (noun)
:the part of a shirt, jacket, etc., that covers all or part of your arm

16. Waist: (noun)

: the middle part of your body between the hips and chest or upper back that is usually narrower than the areas above and below it

17. Beneath: (adverb)
:in or to a lower position

18. Niece: (noun)
: a daughter of your brother or sister

19. Disease: (noun)
:an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant : a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally

Challenge Words List

Terrain: (noun) 
: land of a particular kind

 Upheaval: (noun)
: a major change or period of change that causes a lot of conflict, confusion, anger, etc.

Succeed: (Verb) succeeds; succeeded; succeeding
: to do what you are trying to do : to achieve the correct or desired result

Betray: (Verb) betrays; betrayed; betraying
: to give information about (a person, group, country, etc.) to an enemy
: to hurt (someone who trusts you, such as a friend or relative) by not giving help or by doing something morally wrong

15. Motivate: (Verb) motivates; motivated; motivating
: to give (someone) a reason for doing something

Weekly Plan - 19 - 22 Nov

Please note that next week we have a long weekend and therefore only 4 days of school.

Next week we will:
Go to the computer room and learn basic research on the internet
Grammar: prefixes and long a and e with the vocabulary of last week. 

Please note that the plan is subject to change. Thank you! 

Online Dictionary and Thesaurus

Please make sure the students have purchased a children's or learners dictionary and thesaurus, some still have not bought them or have an adult version which is too difficult for them! Thank you!

Please make sure the students know about the online dictionary and thesaurus:

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Weekly Plan 12- 19 Nov

This week we will:

1. Continue learning to use the dictionary and thesaurus
2. Go to the computer room and learn basic research on the internet
3. Grammar: Revision of the 4 types of sentence, prefixes, long a and e.

Please note that the plan is subject to change. Thank you! 


The only homework for this weekend is to make sure that each student has a Dictionary AND a thesaurus, as some students have still not bought them. They will be needing it for the exercise on Sunday, to practice how to look up definitions in the dictionary and synonyms in the thesaurus. This is very important so please make sure to buy any Children's dictionary and thesaurus. Any bookshop will have these, such as Diwan or Samir we Ali.

Thank you and enjoy the weekend! 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Weekly Plan

This week we will:

  • continue the non-fiction text on space
  • start developing the skill of taking notes in class
  • Some grammar with compound, complex and run-off sentences
Hope you all have a fantastic week! 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Follow by Email

I have added a Follow by Email, just above this post for parents and students who want to be reminded when something has been updated on the blog, the same will be done on the Social Studies Blog. Thank you.

Space Selection

Please find the section about space we have been studying in class this week and next week. Students are required to print this section and bring it to class on Sunday.

You can get the sheets here:

Thank you!

English Homework for Sunday

Students should look up the words they do not know from the sheets titled: "Jobs in Space", "Countdown to Adventure", and "On the training floor".

Make sure that students re-read carefully the texts and are ready to answer vocabulary and comprehension questions on Sunday.

Please make sure they have both, dictionary and thesaurus on Sunday, as they will be needing them in class.

Thank you! 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Quarter 1 Student Reward

Congratulations to Zoya, Kirollos, Carl, Omar, Dana and Youssef for their achievements this past quarter! Keep up the great work guys!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Announcement and HW

Please make sure students are equipped with a folder that can hold worksheets with a binder.

Students are also required to purchase a dictionary and thesaurus (for children) both pocket size so that it is not too heavy to carry. Please make sure they look up the words they don't know from the "Jobs in space" text they have read in class today.

Sundays will be the quiz day for both grade 5. I will hand them back tomorrow, they are to be corrected for next Sunday.

Several students forgot or didn't complete the sentences and comprehension questions from the movie wall-e which was handed out last week. This needs to be handed tomorrow, please make sure of this.

Thank you!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Movie Wall-E

Last week we started the new theme for the quarter: SPACE!

We watched the movie Wall-E, please make sure that they have watched the movie if your child was absent in class last week.

You can find the movie here:

All students have to make sure they have learnt the vocabulary for Sunday, make a sentence of their own using each vocabulary word and answered the comprehension questions. 

Vocabulary from the movie Wall-E

Inhabitant: someone or something that lives in a place; resident.
Ex:The inhabitants of the village knew each other and instantly became suspicious of the stranger walking down the street.

Amiable: having or showing a friendly manner.
Ex: She is so amiable that everybody loves being with her.

Live: to be alive, to have a life rich in experience

Devastate: to destroy or ruin.
Ex:An earthquake devastated the village.

Survive: continue to live or exist in spite of (an accident or ordeal). 
Ex: They had so little food that it was a miracle they survived.

Directive: an official or authoritative instruction
Ex: When your teacher orders you to do your work in class, this is an example of a directive.

Befuddle: confused, mislead
Ex: The road sign, with its arrows pointing in two directions, befuddled most people on the road.

Sedentary: settled and therefore accustomed to sitting or doing little exercise
Ex: A sedentary lifestyle is conducive to weight gain.

Corpulent: obese or overweight
Ex: His sedentary lifestyle contributed to his becoming increasingly corpulent.

Dump: a site for depositing rubbish.
Ex: We took our trash to the town dump.

Pollution: poisons, wastes, or other materials that pollute.
Ex: The sky over the city is filled with pollution.

Extinct: no longer existing.
Ex: Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

Ecology: the relationships between a group of living things and their environment.
Ex: The ecological disaster of water pollution. 

Disaster: a sudden event causing much damage or suffering.
Ex: The volcanic eruption was a disaster for the town.

Soil: the top layer of the earth's surface.
Ex: This soil is full of clay.

Dust storm: a storm of severe winds that sweep up clouds of dust from land dried up by a drought.

Outer space: region beyond the atmosphere of the earth.
Ex: The spacecraft will fly into outer space to explore the moon.

Space station: a large spacecraft in orbit for a long period of time. Space stations are used for scientific study and for launching other spacecraft.

Trash compactor: A machine that compacts rubbish.

Caution: a warning.
Ex: Pay attention to the signs of caution on the way through the wadi.

Prevent: to keep or stop from happening.
Ex: The iron gate prevented cars from entering.

Comprehension Questions abut the movie Wall-E

1. What is Wall-E’s job on Earth and how does this help Wall-E survive?
2. What happens to Wall-E while he watches movies on the television? 
3. Why did the humans leave Earth? 
4. What can humans do to prevent this from actually happening to the Earth? 

5. What happen to the humans and why are they obese? 

Class Rules

Class Rules

1. Be on time, on task and prepared to learn EVERYDAY! 

2. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students and yourself.

3. Be responsible for your own learning.
#QuitCheating #WorkHard

4. Clean up after yourself and your peers. 

5. Keep all personal electronics PUT AWAY.
#OnlyWithPermission #NoTexting #NoCalling #NoPictures

Student Pledge

The student pledge is to be learnt off by heart by all 5th Graders, I will be selecting students randomly to recite the pledge in class on Sunday and at anytime during the school week! 

Student Pledge 

Today I will do my best to be MY best.
What I do today will make a difference in my life.
My Choices will affect me and those around me. 

I will listen.
I will follow directions.
I will be honest.
I will respect the rights of others. 

I will learn something today, because today matters and my future is build one "now" at a time.  

Homework for Sunday

This week we have been learning about verbs, please find a song about verbs here: