Saturday, October 28, 2017

Movie Wall-E

Last week we started the new theme for the quarter: SPACE!

We watched the movie Wall-E, please make sure that they have watched the movie if your child was absent in class last week.

You can find the movie here:

All students have to make sure they have learnt the vocabulary for Sunday, make a sentence of their own using each vocabulary word and answered the comprehension questions. 

Vocabulary from the movie Wall-E

Inhabitant: someone or something that lives in a place; resident.
Ex:The inhabitants of the village knew each other and instantly became suspicious of the stranger walking down the street.

Amiable: having or showing a friendly manner.
Ex: She is so amiable that everybody loves being with her.

Live: to be alive, to have a life rich in experience

Devastate: to destroy or ruin.
Ex:An earthquake devastated the village.

Survive: continue to live or exist in spite of (an accident or ordeal). 
Ex: They had so little food that it was a miracle they survived.

Directive: an official or authoritative instruction
Ex: When your teacher orders you to do your work in class, this is an example of a directive.

Befuddle: confused, mislead
Ex: The road sign, with its arrows pointing in two directions, befuddled most people on the road.

Sedentary: settled and therefore accustomed to sitting or doing little exercise
Ex: A sedentary lifestyle is conducive to weight gain.

Corpulent: obese or overweight
Ex: His sedentary lifestyle contributed to his becoming increasingly corpulent.

Dump: a site for depositing rubbish.
Ex: We took our trash to the town dump.

Pollution: poisons, wastes, or other materials that pollute.
Ex: The sky over the city is filled with pollution.

Extinct: no longer existing.
Ex: Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

Ecology: the relationships between a group of living things and their environment.
Ex: The ecological disaster of water pollution. 

Disaster: a sudden event causing much damage or suffering.
Ex: The volcanic eruption was a disaster for the town.

Soil: the top layer of the earth's surface.
Ex: This soil is full of clay.

Dust storm: a storm of severe winds that sweep up clouds of dust from land dried up by a drought.

Outer space: region beyond the atmosphere of the earth.
Ex: The spacecraft will fly into outer space to explore the moon.

Space station: a large spacecraft in orbit for a long period of time. Space stations are used for scientific study and for launching other spacecraft.

Trash compactor: A machine that compacts rubbish.

Caution: a warning.
Ex: Pay attention to the signs of caution on the way through the wadi.

Prevent: to keep or stop from happening.
Ex: The iron gate prevented cars from entering.

Comprehension Questions abut the movie Wall-E

1. What is Wall-E’s job on Earth and how does this help Wall-E survive?
2. What happens to Wall-E while he watches movies on the television? 
3. Why did the humans leave Earth? 
4. What can humans do to prevent this from actually happening to the Earth? 

5. What happen to the humans and why are they obese? 

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Homework for Sunday

This week we have been learning about verbs, please find a song about verbs here: